New technologies

5 New Technologies You Should Learn In 2023

Nowadays, technology is growing and evolving at a high pace, allowing quick change and progress.  But it is not just new technologies trend, but there are a lot of things that have been changed due to the advent of the COVID-19. This Pandemic outbreak has made IT professionals realize that their role will change in the coming tomorrow.  

If you want to keep your job safe and secure, then you should consider staying updated with new trends. It means that you should keep your eyes on the new trending technologies. Here, we are going to discuss the top 5 technology which are trending these days. Let’s take a look at the following point:

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

We all know that Artificial Intelligence is a quite buzzword these days. Artificial Intelligence or AI is very popular because of its potential to create notable effects. This new technology has completely changed the way we live, play, and work. This technology is already in limelight due to its superiority in speech and image recognition, personal assistance in a smartphone, and so on.  

This new technology is also used to analyze interactions and underlying connections. Ultimately, it can further help in predicting demands for a specific type of service.

The AI market is growing tremendously and it is expected to reach $190 billion by 2025. As the market for AI is growing, therefore, the job opportunities in this sector will also start rising in the field of development, testing, and maintenance. AI growth will not just lead to a rise in job opportunities, but also led to a rise in salaries in this field.   Machine learning is also part of AI and it is used in various kinds of industries.

2. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Just like Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), is also growing in demand. RPA uses software for automating business processes like processing transactions, replying to emails, etc.  This new technology helps in automating various repetitive tasks to increase the efficiency of people.

According to the research done by Forrester, it has been observed that the livelihood of approximately 230 million people is at stake. RPA is also creating new jobs while removing the older ones. If you are an IT professional and want to keep your future safe, then you need to understand this new technology. It has opened up plenty of opportunities, including business analysts, project managers, etc. The RPA developer can earn a handsome salary per year.

3. Edge Computing

Cloud computing has become the major technology used by the major players in the IT industries like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure. etc. Due to the migration of various businesses to the cloud, the adoption of cloud computing is growing significantly. Now, it is no longer the emerging technology trend because Edge technology has taken its place.

The data quantity is increasing day by day and it has made us realize the pitfalls of cloud computing. The advent of Edge computing has solved the problem by providing a way to bypass the latency caused by cloud computing. Edge computing is used to process time-sensitive data at a remote location. In these situations, then edge computing acts like small data centers.

With the rise in Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the demand for Edge computing will also increase. It is expected that the market for Global edge computing will reach $ 6.72 billion by the end of 2023.  This new technology is meant to grow only and it will also create various job opportunities for an engineer.

4. Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing is another remarkable and trending technology. It is a form of computing that takes advantage of the quantum technologies such as superposition and quantum entanglement. It is an amazing technology trend that is involved in stopping the spread of coronavirus. It has also led to the development of various other potential vaccines. This new technology is capable of easily monitoring, analyzing, and acting on data. Now, Quantum Computing has also started forming its place in banking and finance. It will help you to manage credit risk and offer prevention from fraudulent activities.

The Quantum computer is very fast as compared to the regular computers and big brands such as Honeywell, Microsoft, AWS, etc. It is expected that the global revenue for Quantum computing will cross the mark of $2.5 billion by 2029. If you want to grab a job in this field, then it is very important to gain experience with quantum mechanics, probability, machine learning, etc.  

5. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are also growing in trend and these are exceptional technologies. Virtual Reality let the users immerse themselves in the environment. On the other hand, Augmented Reality enhances the environment. Though this new trending technology is used for gaming so far, it has vast potential than gaming. This technology is also used in the simulation software to train the US Navy professionals.  

When the VR and AR technologies work along with various other technologies which are mentioned above, these technologies can bring change to the world.  These two technologies have vast potential in education, marketing, entertainment, and many more. These technologies can be used to train doctors well, let museums offer the well-immersed experience to visitors, uplift marketing efforts, etc.

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