keywords research

SEO Keywords: Why Should You Do Detailed Research For Finding them?

‘SEO Keywords’- this term plays a very important role in the field of digital marketing. Choosing the wrong keywords can ruin all your efforts, which is the last thing every marketer wants. If you know your niche well and you know how to choose the relevant keywords, then you will always stay one step ahead of your competitors.

What Are Keywords?

In the field of SEO, keywords can be described as the phrases that people enter into the search bar of search engines. SEO keywords are also termed search queries. If you want to define your entire web page, video, copy, images, etc. into simple words and phrases, these are called keywords.

Different Types Of SEO Keywords

SEO Keywords are categorized into four basic parts so that you can choose the best one. Here, we will discuss these kinds of keywords in detail:


1. Short-Tail Keywords

Keywords that contain only 1 to 3 words fall in the short tail keywords category. These kinds of keywords are very short and broader compared to the other kinds of keywords. Short tail keywords can be used in two different ways: as the title of the pillar page or included in the text.

2. Long-tail Keywords

Keywords that include more than three words are known as long-tail keywords. Either they form a question or complete the sentence. You can use these in the titles of sub-pillar content. These kinds of SEO keywords fit best in the title of the more specific content than the pillar content of your website.  

3. Questions

As it is clear that these keywords are in the question form, therefore, they can be best used in the supporting blog titles because these keywords are very specific. Also, you can use these keywords in H2 of your blog, which would help people to navigate your blog easily.

4. Intent Targeting Keywords

Intent targeting keywords shows where your targeted audience has reached on their buyer journey. The intent-targeting keywords are divided into four categories: informational, transactional, commercial, and navigational.

  • Informational

People who are using information keywords are looking for the answer to their queries. In order to target these kinds of audiences, you have to use interrogative words such as how/what/why/when or phrases that are related to the information they are searching for.

  • Commercial

By using commercial keywords, you can target people who are interested in shopping. Commercial keywords will include all those phrases that people use when they want to buy something.

  • Transactional

Transactional keywords are used to capture people who are ready to buy something. These kinds of keywords include “Limited Offer”, “Mega Sale”, etc. If you want to capture these people, then you should use transactional keywords.

  • Navigational

The navigational keywords are used to capture the people who already know your business and just want to find it. In navigational keywords contain your business name in them.

Benefits Of Doing Keyword Research

Here are a few more benefits of keyword analysis:


Engaged Audience

It is important to create content that is really very interesting for your clients and targeted customers. By doing keyword research, you can find out what kind of content you should create for your audience. After that, you can create content around that keywords. You can create any kind of content related to these keywords like videos, eBooks, white papers, infographics, and various other information.

Increase Conversion Rate

By creating exciting and relevant content for your target audience, you can attract more and more people. Before starting to create content, it is important to know who your target audience is. So, it is important to do this analysis before making content. Once your keyword will start ranking, then it would help you to find who is visiting your website from which region.

Marketing Trends Insight

By analyzing your keywords, you can get a detailed insight into the current trend and behavior of the prospect. You should always stay updated on the popular trend and find out what is important for your audience. Therefore, it is very important to keep your content relevant.

Prioritize Your Time

When you have the right keywords, then you can create the right strategy for your content. Strategically created content can help you to achieve your goals. It means that you will stay focused and do the right tasks. You should keep adding relevant content which contains the right keywords. It would help you to make a big impact on the traffic of your website.

Expand Your Net

Once your website starts ranking for the selected keywords, then you need to start working for various other similar keywords. After that, you need to add more relevant content which would target those additional keywords. If you fail to rank your website high for the selected keywords, then I would like to suggest that you should start your search for long-tail keywords.

Increase Organic Search Ranking

Finding relevant keywords and adequately using them in your content would help to increase organic search ranking. Once you have identified your ideal keywords, then you need to is placing these keywords at the right locations in your article. It will make a huge impact on the organic ranking of your website. The selected keyword should be placed in the title of the page, URL, anchor text, alt text, etc. It would help the search engine bot to find your content quickly.

Wrap Up

Keywords play a key role in digital marketing. Thus, it is recommended that you should never take this phase so lightly. There are so many benefits of using the right keyword at the right place. The biggest benefit of choosing the right keyword is that it will help your web page or website rank high. Consequently, it would help in increasing the visibility of your website.

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